I'm out of the office until Monday 16th January 2023

I've offered to read a story to the children in a local orphanage, but they unanimously asked for "War and Peace", so I'll be out of the office until Monday 16th January.

If you need anything while I'm away you can contact Jo.

Kids these days, eh?

I'm out of the office until Wednesday 14th December 2022

I was getting dressed to leave for work, when I realised that I'd accidentally left my only pair of trousers in Birmingham (long story).

I'm having them shipped back to me, but I've been told they won't arrive for another two weeks. Obviously I can't go to the office like this, so I guess I'll just sit here in my pants until they get here.

If you need anything while I'm away you can contact Jo.

I'm out of the office until Wednesday 19th October 2022

I've accidentally set the snooze on my alarm clock for two weeks, so I'll be back on Wednesday 19th October.

You can contact Jo, Carolyn or Dana if you need anything in the meantime.

I'm out of the office until Monday 28th March 2022

I'm undergoing a firmware upgrade, so I'll be out of the office waiting for the progress bar to finish before a full reboot.

If you need anything in the meantime, please contact Jo.

Updated features will include a new colour scheme and interactive trousers.

I'm out of the office until Monday 28th February 2022

I'm under the impression that you're out to get me, so I've left the office until Monday to avoid whatever it is you're planning. 
If you need anything while I'm away, you should contact Carolyn. 
I say "anything", but of course my premature return is off the table. 

I'm out of the office until Monday 7th February 2022

There's a very low probability that I'll be in the office before Monday 7th February. It's so unlikely, that you'd be wise to assume I'm not there.

If you need anything while I'm sure to be away, you should almost certainly contact Jo, who is definitely excellent.

I'm out of the office until Monday 24th January 2022

After attending a ten step course on avoiding responsibility (in which we were encouraged to leave after the first four steps), I'll be out of the office until next Monday.

If you need anything while I'm away, you can contact Jo.

I'm out of the office until Monday 17th January 2022

Following an increase in admin, I've sustained a lot of paper cuts and I'm avoiding all potentially lemon juice based activities - including work.

If you need anything while I'm away, you can contact Jo.